What sites can be involved in Ironbark?
Who can participate?
We are looking for groups of 10 – 20 Aboriginal men and women aged 45 years or older to participate in the trial. Participants must be living independently and prepared to attend the program weekly.
People cannot participate if:
- they have not gone outside without physical assistance from another person in the past month
- they have been diagnosed with a neurological disorder
- they have a medical condition that doesn’t allow them to do exercise (e.g., unstable cardiac disease)
Everyone needs to get their GP to sign a medical clearance form before they participate in the study.
Can we choose which program we go into?
No. Sites are randomly assigned one of the programs so there is roughly the same spread of participants in each program.
Sites that are randomised into the Healthy Community program, will have the opportunity to do the Standing Strong and Tall program for a further 6 months.
Will our site get funded to participate?
Yes. Sites will be funded for 3 hours a week for a site manager to coordinate the group, and 1 & ½ hours a week for a program facilitator to deliver the program for 12 months.
Will participants be funded?
No. We are expecting that participants will benefit from the health outcome offered by both programs.
Will transport be provided?
No. We do recognise that access to transport is an issue for many Aboriginal communities, and will assist with linking in with local services where we can. The study will not be able to fund services for transport in addition to the funding we provide for casual staff. We are aiming to recruit sites that have access to transport, or are in locations that people can easily get to.
What will happen to the data?
The data will be stored at The George Institute for Global Health, the study sponsor. All of the data will be de-identified, meaning that the researchers cannot identify any information about you as an individual. The data will be stored until 7 years after the project has finished, and then it will be destroyed.
What happens when the study finishes?
All of the resources to run both the Standing Strong and Tall program and the Healthy Community program will be left with the service. You are welcome to continue running the programs if you are interested and able. We will provide feedback on the findings of the trial to all sites, and develop community resources as well.
Do you have ethics approval?
Yes we have ethics approval from all relevant Aboriginal and public health HRECs. Please contact the state contact, or the project manager, if you would like further information.